1) The Documentation in the "Postcard" containers does not display or print well under system 6, so please try to utilize it under System 7. The choice was to include it in this format or Word 4.0, and it was felt that more people had access to System 7 than Word 4.0. Also, the documents require Helvetica, Geneva, Palatino, Times, and Monaco, which most everyone should have.
2) If you don╒t read documentation, please make sure that you DO NOT configure TattleTech before making a COPY of TATTLETECH MASTER.
TattleTale¬ has been merged with its commercial version, TattleTech¬. It includes TattleTech, TattleINIT, Tattle.Traps, the Order Form, a Feature Comparison matrix, and Configure TattleTech to allow experimentation with all of its features.
Aside from this Readme, please also read the License Agreement and Preface in the Documentation and the Order Form for additional explanations regarding the various forms and intent of TattleTech.
Change History:
Ñ Bug fix in SCSI routines resulting in certain information not being read reliably
Ñ Bug fix in File/Folder Info╔ category which had a potentially fatal bug in an error handling routine
Ñ Corrected problem identifying PC Exchange and added PC Exchange Version number field (problem identified by Norton Chia)
Ñ Added processing dialog to SCSI report (suggested by Brian Keith)
Ñ Added capability to prompt for filename for each Faceless run (requested by Steven Weintraub)
Ñ Code now recognizes new form of System Update beginning with 3.0
Ñ Incorporated Check for survey number for use in survey applications
Ñ Removed some unnecessary routines and inconsistent trap call under System 6.X
Ñ Fixed some obscure combinations created by TattleTech Configure which resulted in incorrect operation or system crash.
Ñ Fixed reversed meaning for Data Only and Remove Data Interp under Faceless operation
Ñ Combined original features of TattleTech and TattleTale
Ñ Added Application Listing for System 6 and removed High Level Only search
Ñ Application and DA listing are now normally unsorted. Holding down the option key while choosing the category sorts them across selected volumes.
Ñ Added over 50 new fields including reporting on Mac PC Exchange (Simon Lawson) and CloseView
Ñ Added File Integrity checks to several categories (Level 2)
Ñ Added Modem identification
Ñ Added PowerPC identification
Ñ Added password for Level 2 functions
Ñ Removed Balloon Help
Ñ Updated Tattle.Traps
Ñ Category menu items deactivated by Configure TT no longer appear in menu
Ñ Added control of TattleTale features to Configure TT
Ñ Numerous bug fixes detected by Dave Lamkins, Georg Schwartz, Franìois Grieu, and Julian Lewis-Booth
Ñ Fixed problem with Total Hours in Use on some machines (Reported by Greg Evanitsky, John Wacksmuth, Frank Easterbrook. P Olson)
Ñ Fixed problem with drive size related to drives greater than 2 gigabytes (Reported by Greg Satz)
Ñ Fixed problem with incorrect indication of Volume Name edit (Reported by Dave Lamkins)
Ñ Fixed Copy command only working from keyboard (Reported by Dave Lamkins)
1.7.2 (Not Released)/1.7.3
Ñ Added Date Manufactured and Total Hours in Use fields
Ñ Fix incorrect report of CPU Speed in PB100 and Portable (Reported by Julian Lewis-Booth)
Ñ Fixed Font report to reflect that a reported Font in System 7.1 could either be in the System File or ROM (Reported by Georg Schwarz)
Ñ Expanded Debugger information and placed in own section (Suggested by and some code curtesy Dave Lamkins)
Ñ Fixed bug in which negative high ram was being reported with VM on (Reported by Dave Lamkins)
Ñ Some problems were fixed regarding the spinning cursor leaving ╥droppings╙ in certain circumstances (Reported by Dave Lamkins)
Ñ General work was done to the dialogs to make their operation more consistent
Ñ Add field length checking to several dialog
Ñ Corrected some problems with the Find command
Ñ Numerous other minor bug fixes
Ñ The DA version of TattleTale was discontinued. TattleTale getting too large to be a DA and maintaining/debugging the two versions was taking too much time that was better spent on more frequent and through updates.
Ñ Added to SCSI: 13 new SCSI standard conformance and other attributes.
Ñ Added to Volume + Drive: 9 new attributes.
Ñ Added to General Hardware/CPU Attributes/CPU: CPU Speed.
Ñ Added to General Hardware/ROM Attributes: ROM sub-Version.
Ñ Added to General Hardware/Misc Hardware Attributes: many new hardware features.
Ñ Added to General Hardware/Network: Machine Name and File Sharing status. The Chooser Name was also moved to this section from General System.
Ñ Added to General System/System: System Hardware Update Version.
Ñ Added to General System: Telephone Mgr and Real-Time Mgr.
Ñ Added to Applications: 32-bit Clean status in parentheses next to Version#
Ñ Added to Fonts: Font Family ID#.
1.7 (Not Released)
Ñ The ╥General Hardware╙ and ╥General System╙ (renamed from ╥General Software╙) categories were reconfigured and alphebetized and now show ALL possible information categories as opposed to only those available in your system configuration. This was changed to highlight what is not (but in most cases could) be available on your system. The only exception to this are items such as the Power Manager and the DuoDock features which only relate to portables and some items which are System Version specific.
Ñ Added to General Hardware: DuoDock Attributes except in the case of a docked Duo with Virtual Memory on (due to an as yet un-identified bug). (Debugged by Julian Lewis-Booth and Simon Brock)
Ñ Added to General Hardware: Network: EtherNet and MacTCP information. AppleTalk information was also moved here from General System. (Debugged by Michael Leahy)
Ñ Added to General Hardware/CPU Attributes/CPU: CPU Data and Instruction Caches.
Ñ Added to General Hardware/Memory Related/System: Disk Cache size
Ñ Added to General Hardware/Sound Attributes: additional sound information related to built-in hardware. Sound Mgr related information was moved to General System.
Ñ Added to General System: AppleScript, Collection Mgr, ColorSync, Compression Mgr, Dictionary Mgr, Help Mgr Extensions, Message Mgr, PowerTalk (AOCE) Mgr, QuickDraw-GX, Shared Library Mgr, Slot Mgr, Speech Mgr, Text Services, and Thread Mgr.
Ñ Added General System/OS Attributes-Misc: Icon Utilities
Ñ Added General System/QuickTime: Component Mgr
Ñ Added to INIT Files: a summary report. (Requested by Paul Hess)
Ñ Added to Other System Files: now identifies more file types including Enablers.
Ñ Added to ADB Devices: Apple Adjustable keyboard, MicroTouch TouchScreen. (Identified by Michael Leahy)
Ñ DAs: reactivated under System 7.
Ñ Workaround for ROM bug on LCII related to referencing the $ABC4 trap for the Traps Reports. (Reported and Debugged by George Franklin)
Ñ Fixed general problem reporting the internal modem on a portable. This is still a problem on some models, however, so please let me know if it is not reported correctly on your portable. (Debugged by Julian Lewis-Booth, Simon Brock and Greg Satz)
Ñ Nubus/PDS Slots: Fixed problem on Duo with DuoDock. (Debugged by Julian Lewis-Booth)
Ñ Drivers: Fixed an error in the reporting of the Driver Flags.
Ñ Traps Patched by INITs: bug fix.
Ñ TT now correctly defaults to the internal INIT reporting routines when TattleINIT has not loaded.
Ñ Due to lack of interest, the Tab-delimited report capability was removed.
Ñ One of the invisible characters at the beginning of TattleINIT was creating problems in certain situations. This has been fixed. (Reported by Bob Bevilacqua)
Ñ The file ╥TattleTale.Traps╙ was expanded and changed to ╥Tattle.Traps╙.
Ñ Cosmetic changes, particularly related to dividers within reports.
Ñ Fixed problem with INIT Patch report incorrectly displaying some Traps (Reported by David Lamkins and Greg (SatzG))
Ñ Added System Tuner version number next to System Version if Tuner install under 7.0-7.01
Ñ Added Duo keyboard and trackball id╒s to ADB╩report
Ñ Added workaround for crash with Radius 16 accelerator (Reported by David Whitehead, diagnosed by Jon Hueras at Radius)
Ñ Fixed problem with main dialog not updating properly under certain interactions with the find dialog
Ñ The Other System/Loaded Files now also searches the Preferences and Startup folders under system 7. It also now reports on System Enablers present in the Extensions Folder
Ñ Fixed bug involving the Open Files report after canceling from the reports dialog
Ñ Fixed bug involving the creation and listing of the Traps File. TT should now be able to properly generate/display the Traps file info from any version, but the best bet is to use the version which came with TT. TattleTale.Traps now has a version to facilitate this. (Reported by Larry Bavry)
Ñ I yielded to complaints about my color selection and removed all colors but those involved in logos and on the splash screen.
Ñ Other minor bug fixes.
1.6.2 (Not Released)
Ñ TattleTale INIT╒s name was changed to TattleINIT
Ñ TattleINIT 1.03 - Fixed problem causing munged INIT names in certain circumstances (Reported by Tom Ng (OriolesFan))
Ñ Fixed bug encountered when no printer was chosen
Ñ Fixed problem under 7.1 with font listing missing font families that also are in the ROM. Under 7.1, TT now shows families both in the Font Folder and the ROM. (Reported by Tom Ng (OriolesFan))
Ñ Fixed cosmetic problem with double word in INIT report. (Reported by Mark Masatsugu)
Ñ If there is no ╘vers╒ resource, TT now also check the ╘BNDL╒ resource for version information
Ñ Fixed potentially fatal bug involving the main dialog when a particular series of actions were taken.
Ñ A very old bug was fixed which, upon exiting, destroyed various cursor images under certain circumstances. (Reported by David Lamkins and others, diagnosed by David)
Ñ An error involving the RAM/ROM location of the Driver was corrected in the Open Driver report. (Reported by David Lamkins)
Ñ The INIT patch list was corrected to filter out variations of the same trap in order to properly identify it. This had been done in the other Trap categories but was unintentionally omitted here. (Reported by David Lamkins)
Ñ The version of TattleINIT which was included in 1.6 was not prefixed as mentioned in the documentation. The INIT should now appear first in your INIT list. (Reported by David Lamkins)
Ñ The full ROM version is once again reported in hexadecimal. Sorry about the flip-flops but I think I finally have Apple╒s varying definition of this value straight. (Credit to Ric Ford in MacWeek)
Ñ The TattleINIT file now works properly with Dialog View 1.02 and a MO driver from Germany called Prep-4.19L. (Reported by Mark Nagata and Frank Braun respectively)
Ñ Some cosmetic changes. (Inspired by, you guessed it, David Lamkins)
Ñ Report categories were changed and regrouped
Ñ The loading of INITs and patched traps is now reported on through the use of the TattleINIT
Ñ A Find capability was added to each listing screen for finding text within that listing
Ñ Listings which run out of room on a screen list can now be sent to a text file in their entirety from the Reports Dialog
Ñ Applications are now listed alphabetically unless the <option> key is held down while making the selection from the menu. In this case, the applications are listed by volume.
Ñ DAs are now gathered from all volumes with the same features as the Applications listing.
Ñ Compressed Applications and DAs are now recognized and listed. Information internal to them is gathered if decompression software is present on the system.
Ñ User specified files and folders can now be accessed for information and to set various attributes
Ñ If the <cmd> key is held down while make a selection from the PU Menu, the listing occurs as the listing is compiled to help pinpoint problems
Ñ List items can now be selected and copied directly from the list and pasted into other documents (Requested by Richard Kittell)
Ñ Under 7.01, a System Tuner installed appears next to the System Version if installed
Ñ Driver Software and Hardware IDs were added to the sResource section of the Nubus listing
Ñ Driver location/address information was added to the Driver listing
Ñ The highest usable RAM address was added to the General Hardware category
Ñ TattleTale is now restricted to Systems 6.04 and greater
Ñ TattleTale now recognizes alias for Trap,Trap.Text and BugInfo files
Ñ Some ADB device information was added for a Global Village modem (Provided by Richard Kittell)
Ñ Some additional traps were added to the TattleTale.Traps file
{--Bug fixes --}
Ñ BTree File now closed if cancel from Text File selection box
Ñ Mac LC does not now indicate that it has software power-off
Ñ Open File listing should not have been aborted on a File Not Found
Ñ Fixed ROM version number in General Hardware report
Ñ Fixed failure to use resolved alias file name in Other System/Loaded Files listing
Ñ Fixed problem with pathnames exceeding 255 char (Reported by Earl on AOL)
Ñ General Hardware listing no longer aborts if designated printed not found
Ñ Fixed WACOM Tablet designation (Reported by Nick Lenz)
Ñ Fixed problem with path names>255 characters corrupting listings (Reported by Earl on AOL)
Ñ Fixed out of memory problem with Processes list for processes under 6.x without a corresponding code file (Reported by: Rick Spiegel)
Ñ Fixed reporting of expanded version numbers related to older AppleTalk related drivers.
Ñ Minor bug fix related to Help text.
Ñ Added ╥real╙ expanded version Numbers to drivers when known, particularly in relation to AppleTalk (Requested by Tom Evans)
Ñ TT no longer crashes on the SE with a Mobius ╘030. Turn OFF the ╥Copy ROM to 32-bit RAM╙ setting. (Fix thanks to Dan Delamatta, a.k.a. Ezwal)
Ñ Fixed bug with Mount button
Ñ Changes to allow incremental updating of TattleTale via an updater (Coming soon!)
Ñ Updates for current machines
Ñ More minor bug fixes which appeared in 1.5.2
Ñ Cosmetic fixes
Ñ Once again, there was a problem with the Nubus/PDS listing. A bug was fixed which prevented the listing from occurring on machines with a system less than 7.01 and no PDS slot. (Problem reported by Paul Amon)
Ñ The DA listing was reactivated under system 7. (Requested by Paul Amon)
Ñ The Heap and Application requests for memory were accidentally commented out in version 1.4.1. They are reactivated under 1.5.2 (Problem reported by Lorca)
Ñ Fixed incorrect report of current address in the ADB listing (Reported by Bruce Hobson)
Ñ Several other minor modifications
Ñ Some of the problems that I thought 1.5 corrected in the Nubus/PDS report were not. They are hopefully corrected now. If you run into problems that are inconsistent with the information in the Nubus/PDS Definitions, please let me know. (Bugs reported by Bob Nichols and John Thatcher)
Ñ The driver number was added to the Monitor report
Ñ ROM Base was added to the CPU Related report
Ñ Category and Type translations for various Nubus Boards were added. If you have a board that only shows a number for the sResource Category or Type, please let me know the numbers and what the board does so that I can update the interpretations.
Ñ The CPU Report now checks for the presence of a built-in modem in the portables
Ñ A bug was fixed that could have caused a crash while closing an open file.
Ñ A bug was fixed that caused a crash while closing and then opening the TattleTale window several times, then accessing the popup. (Bug reported by Mate Gross)
Ñ The ROM version number was corrected.
Ñ The Chooser name was moved from the CPU report to the System Related report.
Ñ A bug which caused certain SCSI devices to drop off the bus when SCSI was selected was fixed. (Bug reported by Keith Bumgarner)
Ñ The icon set was changed again based upon icons sent to me by John Thatcher. Thanks, John!
Ñ Added Extended ISO ADB Keyboard (ID=5), to ADB Report. Code reported by ARI Kontiainen
Ñ Added WACOM Tablet ID to ADB Report. Code reported by Bruce Hobson
Ñ Several other minor modifications
Ñ Thanks to Keith Brenner, John Thatcher, and Keith Bumgarner for testing this version
Ñ Changed Help Button to Definition button which provides definitions for each category of data items. General Help, as contained in this document, is available from the menu and, to a limited extent, from help balloons (under system 7). (Requested by Ulf Wostner)
Ñ Added capability to list Applications, their version numbers, and their location. Both the Applications and the HL Applications choices are now in a submenu in the popup menu. (Requested by Steve Stearns)
Ñ In conjunction with the ╥Applications╙ category, an additional main menu item was added called ╥Specify Volume╙, explained above.
Ñ The Traps reports were all moved to a submenu in the popup menu.
Ñ The screen position and size of the TattleTale dialog is now remembered across invocations.
Ñ The CPU information category has been somewhat reorganized and additional sound related information is available.
Ñ The Volumes+Drives information has been reworked to show removable media drives that are connected but that don╒t currently have a volume mounted in them and are also not entered in the drive queue. Some device drivers omit themselves from the drive queue when no volume is mounted and this attempts to bypass that shortcoming.
Ñ Numerous problems with the Nubus report were corrected. Most problems revolved around a bug in the universal ROM which shows that built-in monitor SResources are active on machines that don╒t even have Nubus slots. This was worked around and the presentation of slots contents was improved. The listing also now shows the active SResources for each card. (Powerbook bug reported by Jeff Harrow)
Ñ The System Related report was reorganized to better reflect manager organization.
Ñ The System Files report was improved to better reflect files which are currently affecting the operation of the operating system.
Ñ Fixed problem with LC II designation. (Bug reported by Thayer Healy, Bob Bezilla,Chuck Freeman)
Ñ Fixed bug related to cutting and pasting in the ╥Bug Reported By╙ dialog. (Bug reported by John Culp)
Ñ Fixed bug which caused the Traps report to hang when a trap was patched in a particular fashion. (Bug reported by John Culp)
Ñ Fixed bug related to and end of file error during the HL Applications report. (Bug reported by Bob Wiseman)
Ñ Updated Traps file to reflect new System 7.1 Traps.
Ñ Fixed bug which caused crash in 32 bit mode. (Bug reported by Frank Braun, Fixed (with much appreciation from me) via keen eye of Bill Monk!)
Ñ Added report of Applications which are High Level Event Aware that are located on any mounted volumes.
Ñ Changed method of reporting Traps to both supply actual addresses and better differentiate between official and unofficial Traps. (Based upon query related to Trap discrepancies from Bruce Hobson)
Ñ Fixed Nubus listing related to the reporting of slots in the IIci. Also changed method of reporting slot designations. (Bug reported by numerous people)
Ñ Updated machine recognition to include the LC II and Quadra 950. Also fixed bug related to reporting the IIsi and LC.
Ñ Clarified the SCSI attributes portion of the Miscellaneous Attributes section in the CPU Related report to better describe the type of SCSI which is implemented. Also clarified the SCC attribute in this same section.
Ñ Expanded Volume and Drive report to include various Volume Specific attributes available under System 7.
Ñ Updated TattleTale.Traps file.
Ñ Fixed bug related to more than 20-25 members of a font family freezing program. (Bug reported by Dave Lamkins)
Ñ Fixed problem with menus not appearing under certain situations. (Bug reported by Bob Seaver)
Ñ Minor bug fixes
Ñ First Application version.
Ñ Fixed problem with Help Balloons flashing when the cursor was in a non-TattleTale item.
Ñ Added item to Driver list to reflect not only the original status of flags but the status as of the time that the report is generated. (Idea courtesy of Miles Waldron)
Ñ Changed the Serial Port report to better reflect situations when AppleTalk is connected. (Suggestion courtesy of Don Paul)
Ñ Improved ability to more accurately reflect the status of the Nubus/PDS Slots.
Ñ Changed method and report format for identifying devices connected to the ADB port.
Ñ Fixed bug in the SCSI report which sometimes duplicated device information from one device to the next. The SCSI report also now reports the SCSI #0 drive as internal. (Bugs reported by Don Paul)
Ñ Updated the Traps file to reflect Traps missing from MPW's Traps.p file. (Information courtesy of Allan Muluf)
Ñ Updated information to correctly identify PowerBooks, Quadras, and Mac Classic II.
Ñ Fixed bug in Font report by gathered both BitMap and TrueType fonts into a combined family and altered the format to accommodate this change.